Outreach & Missions

Hazelwood participates in various outreach ministries throughout the year, including:

‘Winnie’s Kids’
One our favorite ministries happens annually when a member of our congregation, Dr. Winnie Mucherah, heads to Kenya each summer with donations from our church, Ball State University, and the Muncie community. These donations help provide much-needed support to Strength as Our Refuge orphan care, Moi Preschool, Shivembe Primary, and Khayega Primary in Kenya. This ministry has also helped fund a school library and a garden to feed the children lunch at school.

Strength as Our Refuge orphan care micro-financing – Kenya

Strength as Our Refuge is a grassroots effort of six women in their seventies who provide an adoptive home to fifty-six children orphaned through disease.

Moi Preschool, Shivembe Primary, Khayega Primary – Kenya

Donations help provide school uniforms, school supplies, and medicine. The uniforms allow all children in the district to attend school. Though education is free, without uniforms children would be turned away. Basic pain relievers and malarial medications have helped keep children healthy and in class. Both the district’s daily attendance and standardized test scores have dramatically increased!

A Better Way

Boys & Girls Clubs of Muncie

Christian Ministries of Delaware County

C.R.O.P. Walk

Coats Against the Cold (Hearts & Hands United)

Disciples Mission Fund

More than 75 ministries receive support through Disciples Mission Fund. More than 2,500 congregations allow these ministries (seminaries, new church starts, youth church camps, missionaries, and more) to touch the smallest of communities in the U.S. and Canada and reach to every corner of the globe.

Habitat for Humanity

Indiana Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Motivate Our Minds

Muncie Mission and Attic Window Resale Shop

Second Harvest Food Bank

Week of Compassion Worldwide Outreach Support

Providing immediate outreach to areas devastated by political unrest, famine and natural disaster, refugee resettlement, and other sources of emergency outreach.